

DISCOUNT: when you order for more than 50€ via PayPal, you can apply a 10€ discount. More than 100€, 20€ discount, more than 150€, 30€ discount, etc...
(note that you cannot apply the above discounts if you purchase the “all fights of an event”, ‘’all fights of a wrestler’’, ‘’all fights of a day’’ or other special offer discounts)

If you do not have a PayPal account, let us know what you wish to order. We will send you a PayPal invite and you will be able to pay with your regular bank card details.

 Camille-Jodie #3 17’/17€         Dawn-Marnie #8 Subs 18’/19€          Jodie-Marnie #3 19’/18€

NEW FIGHT online filmed after July 6th Live Event: DOROTEA vs GAYANE - Oil Wrestling ==> G = Beautiful Models and Sexy Girls wrestling at their best in Competitive Fights. Most of the girls are inexperienced, some are fighting for the very first time. Fights are real, nothing is fake or scripted. The rules are Pins Only, no submissions, unless specified otherwise in the List of Fights page.


How to order via PayPal?

1. Go to
2. Choose the ‘’Send’’ then ‘’Send money’’ options
3. Put “” as the recipient
4. Add as a note the fight(s) you want to order
We advise that you e-mail us to confirm your order.

female wrestling

Dorotea-Gayane #4 - Oil - 22’/22€     Adalie-Kornelia 17’/20€               Camille-Kornelia 18’/21€

When you order for more than 50€ via PayPal, you can apply a 10€ discount. More than 100€, 20€ discount, more than 150€, 30€ discount, etc...
(note that you cannot apply the above discounts if you purchase the “all fights of an event/wrestler/day’’ discount)

August 14th - 5 fights 50€

We offer Special Discounts for our events when you purchase all the fights of the event. Email us for details.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any question.
We can send you the list of the fights of your favourite wrestler, the list of all available fights and also help you if you want to order a custom fight, etc...!

July 6th 2024 Live Event - 8 Girls / 11 Fights - All videos for 95€ G (photos and prices per fight  below)

February 25th 2024 Live Event - 9 Girls / 11 Fights - All videos for 95€ G (photos and prices per fight below)

Other Fights below - Complete list available on demand

SEPTEMBER 28th in Paris: CASTING DAY followed by a PRIVATE EVENT
Contact us if you want to take part to the casting or sponsor a Custom Fight

ModelsWrestling Gumroad store payments are suspended ==> We unpublished all videos there
You can still order videos via Paypal (see bottom of this page). New download tool ready very soon.

Hana vs Mylene #3 Subs - 22’/26€

Adalie vs Jodie - 19€/22’